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Director of Safeguarding/DLP

Contact Details

Ms. Mary Tallon Director of Safeguarding/Designated Liaison Person
Address: Franciscan Safeguarding Office, Franciscan Friary, Merchants’ Quay, Dublin 8. DO8 XY19
DLP Mobile Number: (085) 8005685
Email: dlp@franciscans.ie
Fr Padraig Breheny Deputy Designated Liaison Person
DLP Mobile Number: (01) 6742500
Email: dlp@franciscans.ie

Director of Safeguarding

In the Franciscan context, this role is carried out by the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) as set out below. The Director of Safeguarding is responsible for coordination of all safeguarding practices as follows

  • Directing and implementing the child safeguarding statement and associated child safeguarding policy and procedures.
  • Liaising with and supporting Franciscan apostolates and communities to ensure implementation of local policies and procedures.
  • Liaising with the Safeguarding Committee.
  • Ensuring that all child safeguarding personnel are kept up to date with best practice, as communicated from the NBSCCCI and relevant statutory developments.
  • Reporting directly to the Provincial on all child safeguarding issues.

Designated Liaison Person

The Designated Liaison Person is appointed to promote safeguarding by

  • Receiving and hearing child safeguarding concerns.
  • Referring child safeguarding concerns to the statutory authorities, Gardai and Tusla (Child and Family Agency)
  • Managing cases and all associated documents.
  • Offering a support person and adviser to complainants and respondents, respectively, and liaising with them thereafter.
  • Liaising with the Provincial.
  • Conducting internal inquiries as and when required.
  • Monitoring respondents and/or, with the Provincial, appointing a suitable person to carry out this role.
  • Contributing to upholding the seven standards of the NBSCCCI in practice and behaviour. 
  • Completing an annual report regarding compliance with Standards 2, 3 and 4 for the Provincial. 
  • Notifying the NBSCCCI anonymously if an allegation concerns a Franciscan.